Saturday, February 02, 2008

My 1st taste of snow

I've been complaining that I haven't seen snow for a million times already. Never thought it would actually snow. Sleet and hail was getting pretty common these days, with so much rainfall day after day. But there was no sign of snow. And winter's ending soon. Half my mind thought that I would never get a chance to catch the sight of real, decent snow.

But, today, I'll remember this date... the 2nd of February 2008, IT DID!!

It was rather strange as we were just mentioning about snow the night before while walking to Joachim's party and Patrick was like "You'll never know. One day you might just wake up and see snow around you". His words were sooo sooo true. There was actually a little snow while walking there (about 9.45pm I think)... but it was so little that we're like "Ah, don't bother laa".

Fortunately those screamings and laughters of our friends out there woke Esther up. I was sleeping like a log until I heard a banging on my door...

Somehow, when I heard her banging and those fade laughter sounds (I thought I was dreaming of voices), the 1st thing that strike my mind was S-N-O-W! Subconsciously, I looked outside the window before unlocking the door. It was completely white, nothing else but white (my eyesight is damn lousy as I wasn't wearing my glasses).

Gosh, I was really really excited! Brushed our teeth and changed in 5 minutes and down we went.

My 1st touch of snow.
*I know I look really terrible in these photos. What to do... I just woke up*

White bushes

Flatmates shot... Rinoa's not here, she went to Aberdeen... Doesn't really matter for her anyway. It's us 3 who haven't seen snow, not her. =P

Jessie was here on 2/2/08. A day to remember.

That's the trails after all of us took a slide down the hill. That's the best thing I did.

I'm starting to like white now.

Ron sliding down in a wrong direction.

View of the building I live from the bottom of the hill.

I love you, darling. I can't wait to see you. Countdown: 12 more days. I know you wanna see snow badly too. I hope God's kind to you.

Baby snowman... hahaha... No eyes, nose, mouth, etc...

At the last moment of typing this, it's snowingggg again!!!!! And it's from the sky this timeeee

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