Friday, November 17, 2006

Help... My face!!!

Big PIMPLE!!! And I HATE it!! On my nose! For no reason. -_-

I need another facial session, although I just went to one 1 month ago. They got rid of every single one but now it's appearing again. Small ones are appearing near my hairline also. I guess it's due to the hair serum/oil.

DARK EYERINGS... They never seem to disappear even though I sleep like a pig. And it got worse during this holidays. Thanks to my "owl-ly" sleeping time. (Cool... I created a new word) I like using words + ly to make it sound like an adjective. I can even add the -ly to a malay word. Dunno where I learnt all these from. But it makes the sentence unique. Especially when speaking. And it catches people's attention.

Most importantly, I need my antihistamines or steroid tablets again. My allergy doesn't seem to be going away this time. :(

Uni reopening soon. Not good not good. 4 days countdown to improve my skin condition before going back to class.

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